Thursday, March 12, 2009

001 - Wicked Game // Jeri Smith-Ready

Wicked Game // Jeri Smith-Ready

My first book in my goal to read 100 books in 100 days (starting on Friday the 13th...I may be jinxing myself here) is Wicked Game by Jeri Smith-Ready. Radio station vampires... I thought it a good choice as I'm going out with a friend of mine tonight to see Pontypool which has radio station zombies.

We'll see how it turns out....


Success! Day 1 complete. Done and done.

I enjoyed this book quite a bit. Sexy vampires working in a radio station. The author had a unique history going on for the vampires in her world. Instead of adapting, they are more or less stuck in their own era, the one in which they were turned, and when things pushed too hard against the views and habits and knowledge they carried with them, things would go badly for them. Only the strongest vampires actually survived for ages. The radio station in the novel is a way for a small group of vampires to maintain the link to their own eras, so that they could survive.

The main character is a con artist, trying to reform her ways, which is refreshing. She's strong, which is always good, and the fact that she has a hot vampire lusting after her doesn't hurt either.

One of my favourite things in the book was how the author delved into the death of vampires. She brought forth a method of vampire death that I've never heard of or thought about before, but I was able to picture it vividly, and it gave me chills. Very creative. Very possible (in vampire lore, anyway) and very disturbing.

The second book in this series is coming out in a few months, and I for one intend to check it out.

Three and a half stars out of five.

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